The sunken record keeper is a 'true' record keeper and they are much rarer than the raised record keeper crystals. while the the raised record keeper crystal activates cellular memory so information can be retrieved from one's own internal data bank's,the sunken record keepers contains a data bank of information in the stone itself.
Dimensions: 2.2" x 1.84" x 1" inches
Weight: 42 grams | 1.6 oz
Properties: Tantric Twin, Initiation Channeling & Master Record Keeper
Keys: Calming and Relaxing, Connection with Spiritual Realms, Enhanced Communication, Psychic protection
Aqua Aura has an intense energy reflecting the alchemical process that bonds gold onto the purest Quartz. Aqua Aura heals, cleanses and calms the aura, releasing any stress and healing holes. It then activates the chakras, especially the throat where it encourages communication from the heart.
It is a protective stone that safeguards against psychic or psychological attack. It bestows profound peace during meditation. In conjunction with other crystals, Aqua Aura enhances their healing properties. Aqua Aura is an excellent crystal to use for distant healing and healing in general