Dioptase is a popular collectors' mineral specimen.
Dioptase emanates the energy of the pure Green Ray of the heart and it is an ideal stone for energetically supporting the heart in every way. Dioptase is useful for the attainment of past-life insights and for activation of one's higher purpose. The vibration is wholesome and fresh and it can help clear one's auric field of disharmony.
Dimensions 1.12" x 2.85" x 2.15" inches
Origin: Altyn Tyube Qaraghandy Basin, Kazakhstan
Weight: 114 grams - 4 oz.
Dioptase Keys - Forgiveness, Compassion, Release of Karmic Patterns, Prosperity
Chakras - Heart (4th)
Dioptase can be used for creating abundance and prosperity. As one of the purest stones of the Green Ray, it attracts wealth and all other good things that come with living a good physical life.