Ultra Rare & Incredibly Special Temple Heart Dow & Weapon of Light: A means of gaining an advantage or defending oneself in a conflict or contest with negative entities & energies.
It is a powerful stone that can create a vortex of energy to pass through it and to the area you are working on, or chakra center you are working on. Double Terminated crystals draw in and emanate energy from either end so they are able to unify their energy and then project it forth in a blended, unified and powerful manner.
They are balanced with complete polar ends so also show us how to balance energy in ourselves.
Pictures do not do this piece justice, its stunning and powerful....
Measures 7" x 2.5" x 2.1" inches
Weight 794 grams ' 1 lb. 12 oz
Properties: Double Terminated, Master Dow on one end, Master Initiation Channeling on the other end with Portal Past Time Link
The Temple heart Dow Crystal has three seven sided faces that alternate with three triangular faces, all reaching a perfect termination. The crystal is known not only for its beautiful geometries and symmetry but also for its powerful heart -activation properties. The temple Heart Crystal is a fairly rare formation of Quartz. When one of these jewels does appear it is a sign of impending transformation and a quantum leap in consciousness in compassion. It has one of the highest frequencies of any clear quartz configuration - an energy frequency that is particularly important in these times. It stimulates the heart chakra, and assists one in resonating with Divine Love Energy.
The Frequency of the Temple Heart Crystal is that of the enlightened Priestess. She has great spiritual knowledge and has practiced putting that knowledge to work in the world. She accepts her personal power as an extension and expression of Divine power and is willing to make choices and decisions based upon her spiritual understanding, tempered by a wise heart of compassion. The Temple Heart Crystal carries the frequency of kwan Yin, The Goddess of Compassion and Healing.
At this level of learning, the Temple Heart crystal reveals that one's true power is seated within the heart chakra. It is through the marriage of spiritual knowledge and compassion that true enlightenment and enlightened action can be made manifest in this world. Larger Temple heart crystals are excellent tools for Altars and sacred places or healing rooms.
They assist one in connecting with the heart of the Divine and in developing compassion for the world and for each other. Groups can attune to the energy of The Temple Heart in order to send healing prayers into the Cosmos, where they can be accessed by anyone who may need direction, Guidance or healing.
Master Initiation Channeling Crystal
The Initiation Crystal allows one to connect with the source of Divine knowledge and understanding. This connection can be used to discover and understand one's life path, lessons, and purpose. It is a stone of learning, representing the spiritual. Meditating with with the Initiation Crystal allows one to perceive one's source of guidance, utilizing that information to further ones learning. The seven sided face represents the spiritual seeker-one who is willing to put aside EGO in order to pursue true spiritual knowledge. The three-sided facet directs the spiritual knowledge and information onto the Earth plane, allowing it to be utilized and directed into one's life. This is the path of the spiritual student -first working to acquire spiritual understanding, then applying that understanding to one's own life.
The Initiation Crystal activates inner sight and the third eye. Its energy opens visions and facilitates meditation by focusing the mind on energy of the source. It can aid one in meeting guides and teachers or in connecting with knowledge or teaching which will be most beneficial to one's path.
' Portal Time Link Crystals '
A left - facing parallelogram activates the right side of the brain enabling one to access visions, emotional experiences and healing information. A parallelogram on the right side of the main face activates the left side of the brain, allowing one to access information on technologies, sciences, processes and structures of a more linear nature.
Generally a right - facing portal will connect one with life times, dimensions and beings that can assist in emotional healing and intuitive work: While a left facing Portal will connect one with lifetimes, dimensions and beings that reveal technologies and sciences that could be helpful in our evolution and cognitive development.
A portal Quartz can be used effectively in alternate-life healing work. All lifetimes occur simultaneously and healing or growth in one lifetime affects all others. Generally a right facing portal can be used to heal emotional wounds from the past or from past lives. Left facing Portals can be used to explore future lives and to envision one's future desires for this lifetime. Right - Directed Portals can assist one in perceiving the Karmic roots for current life situations, while left directed portals can assist one in perceiving the karmic effects of one's current life choices.
Rainbows in Crystals
Rainbows will appear as internal fractures (foils) Rainbows are the closest manifestations of Pure White Light that can be witnessed on this plane. Rainbows unite and integrates heaven and earth. On special Occasions rainbows choose to live within the the world of a crystal, displaying their magic to us.
Truly a gift from the Universe if you are Blessed to receive one of these. When used in Meditation Rainbow crystals open the doorway way to the realm of pure color. Back to the source of all life, the Great Central Sun, the foundation of our reality. They are also know to be bringers of happiness and master depression fighters.