
Emerald Moldavite Crystal Pendulum .925 SS

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Emerald & Moldavite Tektite Crystal Pendulum of exceptional quality in .925 Sterling Silver

( Limited Edition only 5 produced in this combination and for the first time ever. )

Dimensions: 1.6" x .71" in. Total length w/ chain 7" inches
Weight: 11 grams

"Emerald is known as the Stone of Prosperity"

Emerald Keys: Love, Compassion, Healing, Abundance
Chakras: Heart (4th)

It helps attune ones vibrational pattern to the spectrum of abundance, allowing one to attract what one needs and desires. Emerald is the stone of courage.

Moldavite is a rare bottle-green translucent stone of unearthly origins. Scientists postulate that a meteor shower in the Moldau Valley of Czechoslovakia some 15-20 million years ago caused extra-terrestrial material to fuse with earthly rock formations at very high heat, forming fused glass -- the only moldavite known to exist. Moldavites are the rarest of gems, perhaps more rare than diamonds, rubies or emeralds. Moldavites have been prized for over 25,000 years, since archaeologists have discovered moldavite shards and pieces in cave dwellings of that era.

In his book Moldavites: The Czech Tektites, Professor Vladimir Bouska states that "The first human being that was interested in Moldavites was a Cro-Magnon man from the aurignacian age, i.e., the Upper Paleolithic. Several potsherds [fragments] of green Moldavite glass were found together with the famous statue of Venus of Willendorf, which is about 29,000 years old, at Willendorf in Lower Austria.

"Moldavite is known as the "Grail Stone". Legends say that the Holy Grail was formed out of a green stone that fell from Lucifer's crown as he descended from his heavenly abode to Hell, impelled by the force of a blow from the sword of Michael the Archangel. Until recently it was assumed the Grail Stone was emerald, but recently metaphysical rock hounds have suggested that the true Grail Stone is moldavite, a translucent green gemstone that fell from the sky millions of years ago.

Moldavite activates any and all of the chakras and also opens the mind to the limitless possibilities inherent in its cosmic origins. Moldavites energy tends to dissipate blocks throughout the energy system and then center energy in the heart, opening the heart to universal love.

"The Pendulum is an ancient method of divination"

Pendulums are divination tools - they help in gaining insight and understanding about your own self, someone else, an incident or an occurrence. Pendulums have been used for ages for divination and determining the answer to any question which the rational mind cannot perceive. This is accomplished by allowing the body, through a process known as 'muscle testing', to determine the outcome.

Simply ask a question which you know the answer to and determine which circular or up or down motion is yes or no. Relax - then ask your question. With practice, and once you become comfortable in using your pendulum you can use your divination skills to answer all sorts of questions and to make decisions.

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