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Lemurian Gold Azeztulite Tumbled & Polished Slice (New)

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Lemurian Gold Azeztulite carries the high vibrational frequencies for which the Azeztulites are well known. It powerfully stimulates the third eye and crown chakras, and can fill the entire skull with powerful pulsations and golden Light. If one holds one of these stones to the head, and after a few minutes puts the stone down and opens one’s eyes, one will sometimes see an atmosphere of golden Light permeating the room. If one keeps eyes closed and continues to hold the stone, one may often see the diffuse forms of etheric beings approaching.”    —RS 

Measures 2" x 1.16" x .26" inches
Weight 18 grams |  90 carats

Azozeo Super Activated Crystals carry much higher frequencies than the non-activated versions of the same stones. They provide a more powerful, clearer and more elevated version of the characteristic of each crystals vibrations


Customer Reviews

Based on 1 review
Куракин О
Nice specimen!

Thank you for the gift!