Rare LEMURIAN LIGHT Lightning Strike Manifestation Quartz Crystal Point.
Lemurian Crystals are gentle, ancient healers and teachers waiting to share with you an awakened consciousness within them as you connect to them as a new guardian. Have you chosen them or has the crystal chosen you. They are powerful healers; clear blockages clear the chakras and will empower you through the dreaming. Lemurians are amazing for channeling. Since they were left here and seeded by our ancient brothers and sisters, they hold the ink to the stars and beyond, now, from the past and in the future.
Dimensions: 3.77" x 1.9" x 1.47" inches
Weight 208 grams - 7.4 oz.
Properties: Manifestation Quartz, Lightning Strike
' Lightning Strike Crystal '
The Lightning Strike adds another quality to the crystal, which is easily understood by what we know of lightning to symbolize. These crystals help to connect, balance, clear, and unify all of the Chakras, as well as your energy field.
They will also increase your personal vibration, taking it to a much higher frequency that actually assists access to information found on Master Starbraries. While accessing the higher dimensional frequencies, you also are supported in releasing deep, old emotional patterns at the cellular level, which helps you along your path with greater clarity.
Some of the Lightning Strikes will appear more fresh and others will have been healed through the eons - each of these also having different energies. The more fresh ones will help you to work with very traumatic and dramatic change that needs to happen quickly so it will herald rapid clearing and be experienced more intensely. The healed Lightning Strikes (like mine) are softer and more gentle, and avoid unnecessary negative effects of instant results. They assist with old beliefs, past childhood or life carry-overs and help you to re pattern things at the core.
Both are all about change and herald flashes of enlightenment. If you get one of these, you are ready for, and asking for, transformation in big ways.
' Manifestation Quartz Crystal '
Rare Manifestation Quartz Crystals vibrate to the number 99 which represents the higher octave of 9. Of all single digit numbers, 9 is the most profound. It is composed of three trinities (3 times 3 equals 9), nine represents the principles of the sacred Triad taken to their utmost expression.
Nine is considered thrice sacred and represents perfection, balance, order - in effect, the supreme superlative. The number 9 represents selflessness and universal awareness, fulfillment, completion, universality, understanding, tolerance, compassion, impersonal, generosity, forgiveness, humanitarian & universal truths.