
Angel Aura Starseed Quartz Light Language Bracelet

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The frequency of the Light Language creates the geometries that are needed spatially in the person’s Light body. Like a solar flare, it is a powerful burst that bypasses all other Encodements or transductions because it immediately hits the energy field without having to be broken down into other formats – like an understanding or an emotion. It immediately interacts with the Light body.

It is channeled Dynamic Frequency Encodings via Crystalline Light Stones. It adjusts to the resonance of each person’s vibrational needs in the moment; initiating clearing, balancing, activation, and alignment with a new vibration of Well being.

The Language of Light Bracelet is a powerful healing tool for Lightworkers on a path of Ascension and empowerment. Your heart speaks Light Language fluently.

It speaks directly to your DNA, activating and recoding your personal vibrational signature as your Higher Self activates the Light Language. Much of its clarity is within the trust of the unknown; breaking through mental barriers by opening heart barriers. Most often, it is not translated as a word-for-word transmission – it is a deeply layered alchemical transmission of information. 

Light is a carrier vehicle of consciousness and a base unit of creational information. It is quantum in nature because it is the interaction with an observer/receiver that creates specific information from the dynamic potential of Light Language, or the metaphoric rainbow from the prism.

8 mm beaded stretch bracelet comes in one size fits all, these max out at about 7" inches

Angel Aura offers an energetic connection to the Angelic domain.  

Keys:  Upliftment, Peace, Serenity, Expanded Awareness
Chakras:  Crown (7th) Etheric (8th) and beyond, above the head

There are only a few color enhanced stones we feel are energetically active, unique and useful. In General, our position is that stones which are dyed, stained or coated to make them attractive are no better and sometimes worse, than they are in their unadorned form. One exception to this is ANGEL AURA QUARTZ. (Another is its cousin, AQUA AURA QUARTZ) This stone is produced when clear quartz points or clusters go through a special treatment process in which their surfaces are bonded with vaporized or finely powdered platinum, silver, and other trace metals. The resulting crystals exhibit silvery surfaces of brilliant iridescent color. The name Angel Aura Quartz derives from this color’s likeness to the images of the gossamer wings of angels, and from an energetic connection to the Angelic domain.

The shimmering shades of iridescent colors that highlight Angel Aura Quartz immediately put one in mind of the angels. There is something delicately uplifting about Angel Aura Quartz, a quality of sweetness that stimulates the spirit and elevates one’s mood. Meditating with these stones, one can easily move beyond the body and go to one’s “inner Temple” This is the place of purification and rest, in which one’s angelic guides are present, ready to release stress and move into deep peace.

Remembrance of past incarnations, insights into one’s spiritual purpose, the ability to channel the higher knowledge and the opportunity to commune with loving spiritual entities are among the possibilities available through working with ANGEL AURA QUARTZ. And all of these things take place in a “bubble” of peace, tranquility and contentment.

Angel Aura Quartz is a stone of attunement to beauty, and it can assist one in remembering to pay attention to the beauty surrounding one, in both Nature and Spirit. Wearing Angel Aura Quartz helps one to be a beacon of inner beauty, peace, and spiritual awareness during one’s journey in this world.

Customer Reviews

Based on 4 reviews

Beautiful product and amazing service

Another starseed love 💕

This one glows too it’s so beautiful excited for the Key codes on this one too muah 😘

Sarah Grace
Light Bracelet

I feel incredibly blessed by the bracelets Shilona offers; they are such an effective way to continuously experience a particular energy throughout the day. And this one is truly one of my favorites! The incredible light this particular bracelet holds and radiates, completely fills my energy field. It's powerful, yet not overwhelming.

Peace & Joy

I have been blessed with a few of the quartz bracelets. This is by far the most powerful one that I have connected with. It instantly fills me with a sense of peace and joy. This bracelet is more beautiful than words can express. It's something that is better experienced than explained. If you are drawn to this bracelet, I highly recommend it. Thank you to the Doorways to Power team. You have blessed my life more than you could ever imagine.