"The Love of The Earth bracelet is composed of Rosophia, Pink Azeztulite and Pink Fire Azeztulite. It combines three of the highest-vibration heart chakra stones ever discovered, and they work synergistically to bring one into loving communion with the soul of the Earth. These bracelets work synergistically to stimulate and expand the heart’s energy field, allowing it to extend in all directions. It helps one assimilate the currents of Love which the Earth emanates, and to channel that energy to others.
The Love of the Earth 2021 Bracelets serve a profound function, because of their ability to initiate conscious awareness of the Earth as a spiritual Being. When one meditates with stones, holding the intention to encounter the soul of the Earth, one may experience meeting that Being, sometimes called Gaia, in the Subtle Realm. It can be an astonishing experience to meet the Earth herself, and to realize that it is really happening! She may appear in a human form, as Light, or invisibly, but one’s Heart can always recognize Her. When this happens, there is a spontaneous experience of Live, both coming to oneself, and kindled within oneself for Gaia. This can be deeply healing, both to oneself and to Gaia."
Size: Made with 6 mm beads on comfortable elastic band. Also available in 8 or 10 mm beads.
Each Bracelet is personally programmed by Robert Simmons for the highest good of the wearer.
These Limited Edition Bracelets each comes with a signed and numbered Information/Guarantee Card.