
Clear Phantom Manifestation Quartz Crystal Point

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There are a powerful combination of properties comprised within this incredible Master Crystal.

A manifestation quartz must have the entire inner crystal within the mother crystal.

Rare Manifestation Quartz Crystals vibrate to the number 99 which represents the higher octave of 9. Of all single digit numbers, 9 is the most profound. It is composed of three trinities (3 times 3 equals 9), nine represents the principles of the sacred Triad taken to their utmost expression.

Nine is considered thrice sacred and represents perfection, balance, order - in effect, the supreme superlative. The number 9 represents selflessness and universal awareness, fulfillment, completion, universality, understanding, tolerance, compassion, impersonal, generosity, forgiveness, humanitarian & universal truths.

"Perfect for a Healing Room, Meditation Room or Any area you want to fill the room with Radiating, Pure Energy & Light"


The 'Mastery Series'

There exists a form of power and intelligence that represents the high point of human potential. It is the source of the greatest achievements and discoveries in history.

It is an intelligence that is not taught in our schools nor analyzed by professors, but almost all of us, at some point, have had glimpses of it in our own experience when we work intensely on a project or under a deadline - under pressure to get results, ideas seem to come to us out of nowhere;

These powers are something that great masters in all fields experience over long periods of time, and it comes to them through a process of learning and experimentation.

It is a path that all of us can follow. I discovered the elements of this process many years ago, a process of intense study of powerful.

All of us have access to this higher form of intelligence, one that can allow us to see more of the world, to anticipate trends, to respond with speed and accuracy to any circumstance. This intelligence is cultivated by deeply immersing ourselves in a field of study and staying true to our inclinations, no matter how unconventional our approach might seem to others.

Measures 1.58" x 1.47" x .93" inches
Weight 1.8 oz - 50 grams

Properties: Phantoms, Master Initiation Channeling, Rainbows, Manifestation quartz, Manifest Spirit Isis.

Phantoms look like the "ghost" of a crystal within another crystal. Phantoms are formed when the growth of a crystal has been interrupted and then begins to grow again.

Your Phantom is this: at some point several million years ago the crystal grew to a certain height and shape and then its nutritional source was shut off. Then at some later time, new solution flowed in and the crystal began to grow again, but totally within the boundaries of its original framework, rather than taking new forms or directions.

In other words, the crystal grew beyond its original plan or expectations due to new incoming nutrients that provided the opportunity for continued growth and expansion within its original form. Focusing on a Phantom Crystal can remind you that you are always well protected during these times of new growth. Just be patient and trust that your own additional nutrition will show up right on schedule exactly when you need it, in the quantities you need it or can assimilate.

'Master Initiation Channeling'

' Manifest Spirit Isis Crystal '

The Manifest Spirit Crystal displays a five-sided face on front of the crystal termination representing the five elements of Earth. Fire, Water, Wind and Storm. The number five also represents the expression of Spirit energy through form and has been traditionally linked to the Goddess archetype. The Sacred pentagon formed by those 5 sides stimulates one's connection to the Divine Source. Particularly the nurturing and creative energy of the Goddess or Great Mother.

These crystals have the ability to guide one in connecting with the archetypal Goddess energy and in giving birth to one's dreams through action. In meditation, the Manifest Spirit Crystal can help guide one to connect with the Divine Source and to channel that energy through the physical body into expression on the Earth plane. This quartz configuration is particularly useful for those who are willing to dedicate their lives and essences to expressing Divine energy in this realm of matter.


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